Joshua Meador 1911-1965

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Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery | 1785 Coast Highway One, PO Box 325 Bodega Bay, CA 94923
Joshua Meador El Patio de San Miguel Signature "El Patio de San Miguel" #1799
courtesy of the Meador family collection
Oil on Linen, 22 x 30

Joshua Meador El Patio de San Miguel

Joshua Meador El Patio  San Miguel

Joshua Meador El Patio de San Miguel Closeup

Mission San Miguel Arcangel is located just north of Poso Robles, CA, and was founded July 25, 1797 by Father Fermin Lasuen, Presidente of the California Missions Chain. Named for Saint Michael the Arcangel, it was the sixteenth of twenty-one Spanish Missions founded along the Spanish Coast in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.