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Linda Sorensen Paintings

Linda Sorensen Applethree
Applethree, 12 x 12
  Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery Musings ...

May 2020

Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery is an online gallery based in Bodega Bay, California, specializing in late 19th and early 20th century California paintings. Our online newsletter Musings offers information on museum exhibitions, artist biographies, notices of art happenings and links, and provides a way to stay in touch with clients and gallery friends.

We are always open, by appointment. Due to Covid-19, appropriate accommodations will be made. Stay smart, safe and sane, and always, love art .

Daniel Rohlfing
Daniel Rohlfing
Our featured article ...
Granville Redmond and Charlie Chaplain
Granville Redmond --
The Eloquent Palette now at the Crocker Museum
Attentive service requires clear communication. We do not engage in e-commerce.
All client contact is off-line, via phone, text, e-mail or in person.
E-mail: | Voice mail and Text: 707-875-2911

Granville Redmond, Golden Morrow, 1931, Laguna Art Museum
Granville Redmond, Golden Morrow, 1931, Laguna Art Museum
Granville Redmond: The Eloquent Palette
Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento by Daniel Rohlfing
Crocker Art Museum Exterior Sacramento CA
The Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento

"Granville Redmond: The Eloquent Palette" has been in the works for years. Dr. Scott Shields, Chief Curator of the Crocker Museum, loves to tell the stories of California's great artists, and Granville Redmond's life and career are quite a story. Unfortunately, few got to see this exhibition - so far. Covid-19 changed everything.

Linda Sorensen and I visited the Crocker Museum in late January. Here is some of what we saw and learned.

Granville Redmond lost his hearing at age two. Scarlet fever left him totally deaf. Throughout his career, art critics and Redmond himself believed his exceptional ability to detect nuances of color was his way of compensating for his lack of hearing

Granville Redmond, palette and brush  exhibition photo, Crocker Art Museum
Granville Redmond, palette and brush
exhibition photo, Crocker Art Museum

Redmond attended the California School for the Deaf in Berkeley (now located in Fremont). There, Redmond's artistic talents were advanced by two spectacular teachers, both accomplished artists who were deaf.

Theophilus Hope D'Estrella was a painter, photographer, nature lecturer, writer and mountain climber. As a climber, he taught his students there was no limit to the heights they might strive to achieve.

Douglas Tilden was a successful sculptor. Today, there are many examples of his public art works throughout San Francisco. Like Redmond, Tilden lost his hearing due to scarlet fever.

Redmond continued his art studies at the California School of Design in San Francisco with with Arthur Mathews and Raymond Dabb Yelland. There, he became life-long friends with classmate Gottardo Piazzoni. For the sake of their friendship, Piazzoni learned to sign. The two went to France, enrolling at the Academie Julian in Paris.

Sketch of Gottardo Piazzoni and Granville Redmond at Dinner by friend, Maynard Dixon Photo portraits of Granville Redmond and Gottardo Piazzoni
Sketch of Gottardo Piazzoni and Granville Redmond at Dinner by friend Maynard Dixon
Photo portraits of Granville Redmond and Gottardo Piazzoni
Granville Redmond, Matin d'Hiver (Winter Monring), 1895 Accepted by the Paris Salon of 1895, Academie des Beaux-Arts Califonria School for the Deaf, Fremont, CA
Granville Redmond, Matin d'Hiver (Winter Morning), 1895
Accepted by the Paris Salon of 1895, Academie des Beaux-Arts
California School for the Deaf, Fremont, CA

In total, Redmond spent four years in France. In the summer of 1894, he sought out the more rural environs of Chatenay on the outskirts of Paris. That fall, he entered his painting Matin d'Hiver (Winter Morning) in the Paris Salon. The painting was accepted, a high honor in and of itself, but Redmond was disappointed it did not receive a medal.

The summer of 1896, Redmond painted in the village of Saint-Malo in Brittany and in the fall in the Pays de la Loire region. Later in the fall, he returned to Paris sharing a room with Piazzoni.

In the summer of 1897, Redmond and Piazzoni followed in the footsteps of the Barbizon artists and painted in Moret-sur-Loing near the forest of Fontainebleau.

Redmond returns to California, and paints in a tonalist style

In the fall of 1897, both artists returned to Paris, entering paintings in the Salon in hopes of winning medals. This did not happen, and Redmond was forced to return to his parents' home in Los Angeles. Having honed his skills in France, Redmond returned to California appreciating its natural beauty and exceptional light with a well trained eye. He painted up and down the California Coast, mostly in Marin County, the Monterey Peninsula and various rural regions surrounding Los Angeles.

Granville Redman, Untitled, Moonllight, nd Collection of Daniel Nicodemo and Donald Merrill
Granville Redmond, Untitled, Moonlight, nd
Collection of Daniel Nicodemo and Donald Merrill

Granville Redmond, Fog Burning Off, 1905 Collection of W. Donald Head, Old Grandview Ranch, Saratoga, California
Granville Redmond, Fog Burning Off, 1905
Collection of W. Donald Head, Old Grandview Ranch, Saratoga, California
Granville Redmond, Nocturne, Santa Catalina Island, nd Collection of Vergene Beam
Granville Redmond, Nocturne, Santa Catalina Island, nd
Collection of Vergene Beam
Redmond loved painting nocturnes of moonlight and the sea. These rich celebrations of nuanced blues and greens with rocks of yellow, oranges, reds and purples are a delight.

His pastoral scenes appealed to urban dwellers They emphasized the joys of the bucolic life. In January of 1933, LA Times art critic Arthur Millier wrote a review, speaking of Redmond's A Shepherd and his Flock in the Early Morning. He wrote, "Redmond is an unusual type because he can paint our landscape with completeness of design, natural structure and harmony of color and lighting, which few, if any, of his confreres can equal."
Granville Redmond, Untitled, Moonllight Marsh Scene, nd The Irvine Museum Collection at the University of California, Irvine
Granville Redmond, Untitled, Moonlight Marsh Scene, nd
The Irvine Museum Collection at the University of California, Irvine
Gramville Redmond, A Shepherd and his Flock in the Early Morning, 1930 Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento
Granville Redmond, A Shepherd and his Flock in the Early Morning, 1930
Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento
Granville Redmond, When Hearts Beat as One, 1907 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California
Granville Redmond, When Hearts Beat as One, 1907
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, California

As a proponent of Tonalism, Redmond was successful as a California painter. Sales were good and he became a member of San Francisco's Bohemian Club. But painting sales are not guaranteed by talent alone; there must also be a robust economy to support a healthy art market

Economies have their ups and downs. On the down side, in what would have been Redmond's best and most productive years, the world endured WWI followed by the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-19. Then, at the end of his career, the Great Depression brought the art market to a halt.

Redmond in silent movies, friendship with Charlie Chaplin

To meet the economic challenges during periods of slow or non existent sales, Redmond used his back-up talent. Due to his deafness, he developed a keen ability to perform pantomime, a skill taught in drama classes at the California School for the Deaf in Berkeley.

Redmond took to pantomime well, and often used it to entertain friends. He performed a skit at the Bohemian Grove for the Bohemian Club. In 1917, he put this talent to work and went to Hollywood. to seek a second career as an actor in silent movies. In short order, he met and and worked for movie producer and comedic legend Charlie Chaplin.

The two became great friends, resulting in Redmond's acting in seven of Chaplin's movies. Chaplin so enjoyed having Redmond around the movie studio, he provided Redmond with an artist's studio on the lot.

Granville Redmond and Charlie Chaplain in A Dog's Life, 1918
Granville Redmond and Charlie Chaplain in A Dog's Life, 1918

Scenes of Charlie Chaplain's 1918 film, A Dog's Life,
in which Granville Redmond plays a dance hall manager.

In his studio, Redmond created paintings while on call, and Chaplin often visited Redmond's studio to enjoy watching him paint. Redmond used his studio connections for sales. Among clients for Redmond's paintings were Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford, other producers, directors, actors and production staff.

To Redmond's chagrin, the tastes of the art market in Hollywood did not suppose sale of many well done Tonalist paintings.

As Hollywood stars and movie royalty were building Beverly Hill mansions, they preferred large paintings of California's expansive hills filled with the wild color of the newly minted state flower, the California Poppy.

Redmond was not the only artist to paint according to the market. Other artists were more than happy to provide paintings of poppies, such as Benjamin Chambers Brown in Pasadena, John Marshall Gamble in Santa Barbara, and William F. Jackson in Sacramento.

In this scene from A Dog's Life, the face behind the curtain is Chaplin's,
but the expressive hands belong to the "dance hall manager ,"Granville Redmond.
Redmond had great comedic timing and a knack for visual humor.
Granville Redmond, Carmel Sand Dunes and Cypress, 1917 Collection of Paula and Terry Trotter
Granville Redmond, Carmel Sand Dunes and Cypress, 1917
Collection of Paula and Terry Trotter
Granville Redmond at easel with Carmel Sand Dunes and Cypress
Granville Redmond in 1917 at his easel with
Carmel Dunes and Cypress

From the picture above, it is easy to understand Chaplin's enjoyment of watching his deaf friend paint. Although he painted in silence, he was creating a visual symphony of vibrant colors, balanced composition, sensitive melodies and harmonies rhythmically and expressively presented.

Redmond meets Art Market demands ... Impressionistic outdoor scenes of natural California, hills and wildflowers

The bottom line for Redmond was he needed to provide for his family. Although his appearance in films helped, he needed to sell paintings. The best way to sell was to provide what the market wanted.

The movie business was growing, with lots of stars, producers, directors and others building homes and wanting art.

Although he preferred his blue nocturnes of the sea, paintings of California poppies is what the art market wanted.

To this point, LA Times art critic Anthony Anderson wrote, "Redmond paints poppies well, and his son Jean, who is his business manager, sells them even better."

Granville Redmond, California Poppies (Mountain and Path), nd Collection of John and Patty Dilks
Granville Redmond, California Poppies (Mountain and Path), nd
Collection of John and Patty Dilks
Granville Redmond, Poppies and Lupines, nd Barnett Family Collection
Granville Redmond, Poppies and Lupines, nd
Barnett Family Collection
Granville Redmond, California Poppies (on a hillside), nd Collection of Thomas Gianetto
Granville Redmond, California Poppies (on a hillside), nd
Collection of Thomas Gianetto
Although impressionistic paintings of poppies weren't his favorites, he did not skimp on the creation of them. A disciplined painter, during wildflower season he would rise at 5:30 AM to catch the morning light.
Granville Redmond, Among the Flowers, 1918 Private Collection
Granville Redmond, Among the Flowers, 1918
Private Collection

Redmond believed in working outdoors, but quickly. He often told others that fifteen minutes is the maximum one should spend sketching a scene, "After that," referring to the light, "everything's changed."

He also had a rhythm to his painting. he created Impressionist paintings in the late winter and early spring to match the bloom of wildflowers, and then created Tonalist paintings in the summer and fall.

Redmond's landscapes seldom included figures. Redmond chose to focus on the natural landscape. If he did use people, as in Among the Flowers, they were pictured working in harmony with nature.

This video above is a slide show with photos of most the paintings included in Granville Redmond: the Eloquent Palette
It is best viewed by clicking the "full screen" icon at the lower right of the youtube screen.
Panorama of wall of Granville Redmond paintings at the Crocker Museum, Sacrmento
Granville Redmond: The Eloquent Palette, an exhibition seen by few ... some thoughts

Granville Redmond: The Eloquent Palette opened January 27 to much excitement in Sacramento. This was the first Granville Redmond exhibition in 30 years, and the largest ever, including 85 of Redmond's signature paintings.

But then, the world changed. All that once seemed important, now seemed of little consequence. The corona virus first necessitated social distancing and then an order to shelter in place indefinitely, throwing people's lives, businesses and the economy into a newly enforced uncertainty.

As for Granville Redmond, this exhibition in Sacramento may have to await another day.

Dr. Scott Shields, curator, Crocker Museum, Sacramento, CA
Dr. Scott Shields
Chief Curator
Crocker Art Museum

Dr. Scott Schields, Curator, Sacramento's Crocker Art Museum
introduces Granville Redmond, The Eloquent Palette This exhibition, the largest ever assembled
and the first in more than 30 years.

When you stop to think of all the work, research, planning, arrangements to secure paintings, transportation, logistics, hanging of the show, promotion, writing and printing an exhibition book ... all of that was done for an exhibition few would get to see.

Should circumstances change this summer, Granville Redmond: The Eloquent Palette is set to be on exhibit June 20 to September 20 at the Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach, CA.

"Being an artist, I naturally take great joy in appreciating the beauty and wonders of God and nature. Perhaps my sense of sight and feeling is intensified, due to my affliction (not being able to hear nor speak), and therefore I make great consequences of the simple joys and tragedies of life."
--- Granville Redmond, 1932

"Something puzzles me about Redmond's pictures. There's such a wonderful joyousness about them all. Look at the gladness in that sky, the riot of color in those flowers. Sometimes I think the silence in which he lives has developed in him some sense, some great capacity for happiness in which we others are lacking." --
Charlie Chaplin, c 1925

On January 25, 2020, Sacramento TV Station KCRA promoted
Granville Redmond: the Eloquent Palette
The Crocker Museum | The Laguna Art Museum |

Gallery Notes ...

At the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, we felt that the art market would totally die. But surprise! we've had some orders. In retrospect, we believe that art may be one of the ways of coping with shelter-in-place, and we are grateful to our website viewers and buyers. Drop us a line, "follow us" on Facebook, and please share our information with other art lovers.

Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery and Linda Sorensen Paintings are OPEN (via our websites). We offer free shipping within the United States. Sales delivered within California require 8.25% sales tax. Link to us via our websites, or you may call or text, 707-875-2911.

Our Grace Allison Griffith paintings are available at our Gallery Showroom in Graton and will remain on view there for some time after Shelter in Place ends. ( Grace Allison Griffith article)

Art @ the Source (June) and ArtTrails (October) are not holdng their open studios for 2020. However, the Sebastopol Center for the Arts is planning the details for a fine arts and crafts event open to all artists in Sonoma County that is currenty scheduled for the end of September and will likely have substantial "virtual" content. Since the usual mailed catalogues are unlikely, interested persons may wish to alert us or other participants that they would like information as it becomes available.

We've changed the format of our newsletter. Previously, it has been Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery Monthly. Henceforth, it will be called Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery Musings. We are freeing ourselves from a monthly deadline, but will still dedicate our time and talent, keeping our readers informed about art and art happenings.

Linda Sorensen with Kevin Brown at Corricks
Linda Sorensen with Keven Brown at Corrick's, Downtown Santa Rosa.
Linda Sorensen Warp Perspective Time & Place
Warp Perspective Time and Space
24 x 20

Linda Sorensen's paintings can normally be seen at Corrick's Art Trails Gallery on 4th Street in downtown Santa Rosa, and by appointment (or by chance) at her Atelier One artist studio in Graton, CA. Corrick's is currently closed because of Covid-19 and social distancing rules would also apply to her studio.

Her artist website shows available paintings grouped by subject.

Her direct email is, or contact her via our gallery, 707-875-2911.

Linda's studio also hosts exhibits from the collection of Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery including at present Joshua Meador 1911-1965, Alexander Nepote, and Grace Allison Griffith 1885-1955 (article above).

Museum shows and galleries:
These exhibitions below were open at the time of the Covid - 19 outbreak.
The virus changed things ... stay tuned for more information of museum exhibitions
when SIP and social distancing permit art lovers to return to our California Museums.

in Bodega Bay
Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery Sign Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery
by appointment in Graton or Bodega Bay | Call or Text 707-875-2911

Joshua Meador Composed by the Sea
"Composed by Ocean"
Joshua Meador
Ren Brown
Ren Brown
The Ren Brown Collection
1781 Coast Highway One, Bodega Bay, 94923
707-875-2922 | | Back to the Top
Reb Brown Sign Thumbnail
Bodega Bay's Jean Warren Watercolors
Bodega Bay resident Jean Warren says her paintings are reflections of the places she has lived and traveled.
Jean is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society,
California Watercolor Association and full member of Society of Layerists in Multi-Media.
Visit Jean's site and view examples at the Healdsburg Center for the Arts / 707-875-9240

Jean Warren Watercolor

What's nearby?
in Sonoma, Napa & Marin Counties
Sebastopol Center for the Arts IN SEBASTOPOL, Sebastopol Center for the Arts
home of Sonoma County's Art @ the Source and Art Trails
282 S. High Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472  707.829.4797
Hours: Tue - Fri 10am - 4pm, Sat & Sun 1 - 4pm
Corricks Kevin Brown
Corrick's Keven Brown
Corrick's Art Trails Gallery |
637 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | Contact::

Corrick's has been a Santa Rosa Treasure since 1915,
a downtown stationery store serving the community's "cultural hub."
Corrick's has long supported local artists with its impressive "ART TRAILS GALLERY,"
including paintings by Linda Sorensen.
Corricks offers a number of originals by famed Santa Rosa artist, Maurice Lapp ... (see our August 2017 article)

located on Fourth Street, steps away from Santa Rosa's revitalized town square
and Fourth Street's Russian River Brewery
BBHPhoto Dennis Calabi
Dennis Calabi
IN SANTA ROSA Calabi Gallery |

We are located at 456 Tenth Street in Santa Rosa.
Contact us with any questions at (707) 781-7070 or
456 Tenth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | email: | 707-781-7070
Famed master conservator Dennis Calabi brings his rare knowledge and experience
to present a tasteful and eclectic array of primarily 20th century artwork. | Back to the Top
Easton Crustacean Dancing Dream 144
Easton, Crustacean Dancing Dream, American Alabaster
Annex Galleries Santa Rosa IN Santa Rosa The Annex Galleries
specializing in 19th, 20th, and 21st century American and European fine prints
The Annex Galleries is a member of the International Fine Print Dealers Association (IFPDA). | Back to the Top
Rik Olson

IN GRATON Graton Gallery
home of many of Sonoma County's best artists
Sally Baker, Marylu Downing, Tim Hayworth, Bruce K. Hopkins,
Rik Olson, Susan Proehl, Sandra Rubin, Mylette Welch
Graton Gallery | (707) 829-8912  |
9048 Graton Road, Graton CA 95444 | Open Wednesday ~ Saturday 10:30 to 6, Sunday 10:30 to 4

Christopher Queen Gallery IN DUNCANS MILLS Christopher Queen Galleries
3 miles east of Hwy 1 on Hwy 116 on the Russian River |707-865-1318| Back to the Top
Paul Mahder Gallery Thumbnail IN Healdsburg Paul Mahder Gallery

 (707) 473-9150 |
222 Mill Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg, CA 95448 | Open Weds - Mon, 10-6, Sundays, 10-5
Hammarfriar Gallery Thumb IN Healdsburg Hammerfriar Gallery

 (707) 473-9600
132 Mill Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448 | Open Tues - Fri 10 to 6, Sat 10 - 5, Sun 12 - 4

john Anderson
Petaluma Arts Council Art Center

IN PETALUMA Petaluma Arts Center
"... to celebrate local artists and their contributions and involve the whole community"

Petaluma Center for the Arts

Links to current museum exhibits relevant to Early California Art
The Greater Bay Area
The Walt Disney Family Museum
This museum tells Walt's story from the early days.
(on the Parade Grounds) 104 Montgomery Street,
The Presidio of San Francisco, CA 94129

-- view location on Google Maps
Disney Museum Exterior Thumbnail San Francisco
de Young Museum
Permanent Collection
De Young Museum Thumbnail
San Francisco
California Historical Society

California Historical Society Thumbnail San Francisco
Legion of Honor

James Tissot: Fashion and Faith
through Feb 9
-Permanent European and Impressionist Paintings
San Francisco Legion of Honor Museum
San Francisco
Contemporary Jewish Museum

San Francisco's Contemporary Jewish Museum Thumbnail Oakland
Oakland Museum of California

-- ongoing Gallery of California Art
-showcasing over 800 works
from the OMCA's collection

Oakland Museum Thumbnail

San Francisco

Wayne Thiebaud: Paintings and Drawings
through March 10, 2019

SF Museum of Modern Art

Santa Rosa
The Museums of Sonoma County

Sonoma County Museum Thumbnail
Santa Rosa
Charles M. Schultz Museum

Charles M Schultz Museum Santa Rosa

St Mary's College Museum of Art

Hearst Art Gallery

Hearst Art Gallery Thumbnail
Mission San Francisco de Solano Museum

featuring the famed watercolor paintings
of the California Missions
by Christian Jorgensen
Mission San Francisco de Solano in Sonoma CA Sonoma
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art

551 Broadway, Sonoma CA
(707) 939-7862
Sonoma Museum of Art Exterior Thumb
Grace Hudson Museum
Grace Hudson Museum

Bolinas Museum

featuring their permanent collection,
including Ludmilla and Thadeus Welch,
Arthur William Best, Jack Wisby,
Russell Chatham, Alfred Farnsworth

Elizabeth Holland McDaniel Bolinas Embarcadero thumbnail
Walnut Creek
The Bedford Gallery, Lesher
Center for the Arts
Lesher Ctr for the Arts Walnut Creek CA San Jose
San Jose Museum of Art

approximately 2,000 20th & 21st
century artworks including paintings, sculpture,
new media, photography, drawings, prints, and artist books.
San Jose Museum of Art Thumbnail
Monterey Museum of Art

Ongoing exhibitions ...
Museums Permanent Collection
including William Ritschel, Armin Hansen
and E. Charlton Fortune
Monterey Museum of Art Palo Alto
Cantor Art Center at Stanford University
Cantor Art Center at Stanford University

Salvador Dali Museum

Salvador Dali Museum Monterey Sacramento
Crocker Art Museum
Capitol Museum

Governor's Portrait Gallery
Permanent Exhibits

(including one of our galllery's favorite artists,
Robert Rishell's portrait of Gov. Ronald Reagan
Capitol Museum Sacramento Thumbnail Stockton's Treasure!
The Haggin Museum

-Largest exhibition of Albert Beirstadt paintings anywhere,
plus the works of Joseph Christian Leyendecker,
Norman Rockwell's mentor.
see our Newsletter article, April 2011
Haggin Museum Stockton
Southern California (and Arizona)
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Museum of Art

Art of the Americas, Level 3:
Artworks of paintings and sculptures
from the colonial period to World War II—
a survey of of art and culture
& "Levitated Mass"
Los Angeles County Museum of Art Irvine (now part of UC-Irvine)
The Irvine Museum
El Camino del Oro, Sept 14 - Jan 11
Paintings of the California Missions era
by many of California's noted artists

Irvine Museum Thumbnail
Santa Barbara
The Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Santa Barbara Museum of Art Thumbnail Orange
LA Area Scene Paintings from the Hilbert Collection,
A Fine Romance: Images of Love
in Classic American Illistration

through - April 18, 2020
Hilbert Museum, Chapman University

Hilbert Museum Chapman University Orange CA
Norton Simon Museum
-an Impressive Permanent collection,
European impressionist and post impressionist paintings
See our newsletter from March 2014
Norton Simon Museum Pasadena San Marino (near Pasadena)
The Huntington Library

American Art Collection
Paintings by John Singer Sargent,
Edward Hopper, Robert Henri,
Albert Bierstadt, Thomas Moran,
William Keith, Mary Cassatt,
Thomas Hart Benton and many more.

Huntington Library Art Collection Pasadena
San Diego
San Diego Museum of Art
Permanent Collection
San Diego Museum of Art Thumbnail

Palm Springs
Palm Springs Art Museum

Permanent Collection
American 19th century Landscape Painting

Palm Springs Art Museum Thumbnail
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix Art Museum
an excellent sampling of
Artists of the American West
Phoenix Art Museum Los Angeles
California African American Art Museum
adjacent to the LA Coliseum
(see our newsletter articleof their
Ernie Barne's Exhibition September 2019)

California African American Art Museum
& Beyond
Honolulu, HI
Honolulu Museum
(see our Newsletter article
from February, 2015)

Honolulu Museum of Art Kamuela, HI (Big Island)
Issacs Art Center
65-1268 Kawaihae Road
Kamuela, HI  96743
(See our Dec '16 article "Hawaii's Paul Gauguin," 
modernist Madge Tennent, 1889-1972)

Isaacs Art Center
Seattle, WA
Seattle Art Museum
( see our article Mar 2018
French and American Paintings )
Seattle Art Museum Portland, OR
Portland Art Museum

Permanent Collection: American Art
Portland Art Museum Thumbnail
Washington D.C.
The Renwick Gallery

Permanent ... Grand Salon Paintings
from the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Renwick Gallery Washington DC Chicago, IL
Art Institute of Chicago
Permanent collection:
the Impressionists
Art Institute of Chicago Thumbnail
Cedar Rapids, IA
The Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Grant Wood: In Focus

is an ongoing permanent collection exhibition.
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art

Bentonville, AR
Crystal Bridges
Museum of American Art

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Washington D.C.
The National Gallery

Permanent collection
American Paintings
Tha National Gallery Washington DC Thumbnail Philadelphia , PA
The Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia Museum of Art Thumbnail
Philadelphia , PA
Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia Campus
Barnes Foundation Campus Philadelphia Brooklyn, NY
The Brooklyn Museum
American Art
Permanent Collection
The Brooklyn Museum Thumbnail
New York , NY
The Whitney Museum of American Art

The largest selection of works by Edward Hopper
The Whitney Museum of American Art New York New York , NY
Metropolitan Museum of Art

Its extensive collection of American Art
Metropolitan Museum New York
Detroit, MI
Detroit Institute of Arts
American Art
Permanent Collection
Detroit Institute of Arts Ottawa, Ontario
National Gallery of Canada
Canada National Gallery of Art
Denver, CO
Denver Art Museum
Denver Art Museum Exterior


By appointment only or online ... email or call ... / 707-875-2911

... IN GRATON, CA ...
Linda Sorensen's studio and Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery's showroom is now located in Atelier One, Graton. You may view paintings in Linda Sorensen's or Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery's online offerings. Call or email for an appointment (required for access).

... IN YOUR HOME ... Call or email for a an appointment. If appropriate, we'll bring the art to you (up to 200 miles from Bodega Bay).

... ONLINE ... Call or email about pieces which interest you. We offer FedEx shipping (included in price) in the U.S. for major purchases.

At present, we are acquiring few paintings. We are interested in considering works by Joshua Meador, or exceptional paintings by a few other Historic California artists. We do not do miscellaneous consignments but do represent artist estates. We do not provide appraisal services.

DO NOT CALL AND EXPECT A THOUGHTFUL ANSWER REGARDING YOUR PAINTING (especially, do not leave a voicemail message requiring us to phone you), ... INSTEAD, Please EMAIL US ( along with a high resolution jpeg image of your painting. Include the name of the artist, its title, dimensions and condition. Please include any history or provenance. Rather than responding off the cuff, in a timely fashion we will read your note, do our homework, and write back and let you know if we wish to acquire your painting or we may give you our our ideas on how best to market your painting through other resources.