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Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery Monthly
JUNE 2018
a fine art gallery based in Bodega Bay, California
celebrating Historic California painting

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( thumbnail guide to previous articles and exhibitions )
Museum Exhibitions Gallery Notes
Sonoma County Galleries

From a corner of our collection
Ferdinand Burgdorff Pebble Beach
Pebble Beach
(Carmel, 1956)
Ferdinand Burgdorff

Voicemail and Text: 707-875-2911 | Email:
A gallery serving our clients by appointment locally, in your home, or online.
Click here for more information

Now available at the
Sebastopol Center for the Arts
Art @ The Source Exhibition
Linda Sorensen Stormlight Hog Back Rock Wright's Beach
Stormlight (Hogback Rock,
Wright's Beach, Sonoma Coast)

Bodega Bay Art at the Source Artists
Bodega Bay's Artists at
the Art @ The Source reception,
Sebastopol Center for the Arts

JMW Turner Peace Burial at Sea
J. M. W. Turner's
Maritime Paintings
at the Tate Britain

Bodega Bay's Art @ The Source Artists
and the Sebastopol Center for the Arts
Reception, May 17

2018 Art @ The Source

2 Bodega Bay Locations
6 Artists

Studio 72

Lillian Lehman
John Hershey
Linda Sorensen

Studio 71

Janet Elmore
Jean Warren
LuAnn Steele

Showing in Bodega Bay are six Bodega Bay Art @ The Source Artists Left to Right are Photographer, John Hershey, Oil Painter Linda Sorensen, Sculptor Lillian Lehman, and Watercolor Painters Janet Elmore and Jean Warren. (Not pictured ... Watercolor Painter LuAnn Steel)
Six Bodega Bay Artists show their work as part of Sonoma County's Art @ The Source OPEN STUDIOS
Left to Right are photographer John Hershey, oil painter Linda Sorensen, sculptor Lillian Lehman,
and watercolor painters Janet Elmore and Jean Warren.
(Not pictured ... watercolor painter LuAnn Steele)

Art at the Source Bodega Bay
Bodega Bay Art @ The Source Locations
Studio 72 ... 225 Driftwood ( in Salmon Creek )
Studio 71 ... 1792 Whaleship Road ( off Westshore Road )

Art at the Source Bodega Bay Artists

Art @ the Source is an annual event sponsored by the Sebastopol Center for the Arts. On two weekends in early June, artists throughout West Sonoma County hold open studios so people may meet artists, and can view and purchase arts directly.

Bodega Bay artists have long participated, but given Bodega Bay's distance from Sebastopol and Santa Rosa, many art loving Art @ The Source patrons don't make it all the way out to the coast.

Bodega Bay's Art @ the Source,
Six Artists, Two Bodega Bay Locations

This year, we hope to suggest that many begin their tour in Bodega Bay and then work their way inland, or as John Hershey puts it, "Come for the art, and stay for the beach and the seafood."

John Hershey Annas Hummingbird Spreads His Feathers
Photographer John Hershey ... Anna's Hummingbird Spreads His Tail Feathers

Lillian Lehman Dreaming
Sculptor Lillian Lehman ... Dreaming
Linda Sorensen Stormlight Hogbacks Rock Wrights Beach Sonoma Coast
Oil painter Linda Sorensen ... Stormlight (Hogback Rock, Wright's Beach)

Bodega Bay photographer John Hershey graduated from Syracuse University where he studied photo journalism. He and his partner Ted began Hershey Multimedia. Today, John enjoys photographing landscapes, coastal wildlife, and has a keen interest in local commercial fishermen. He's very active in community events such as the Fisherman's Festival and through his voluntary efforts is Bodega Bay's beloved but unofficial events photographer.

Bodega Bay sculptor Lillian Lehman is hosting Art @ the Source in her lovely Salmon Creek

home and studio, with its view of the waves rolling onto the shore. Lillian is a Stanford graduate, raised six children and worked in her own floral/gift/gallery shop in Kensington. She participates regularly in the Salmon Creek Art Walk. Lillian says she begins her sculptures with a story, which is inspired by an emotion, a piece of music, a poem or a found object. She then gives these stories life in the form of clay.

Linda Sorensen came to Bodega Bay in 2003. She always was a painter, drawing and painting as a child, throughout her days at UC Berkeley as a law student, and now in Bodega Bay. Her work alludes to Regionalism's bold designs, and is inspired by Taos artist Ernest Martin Hennings, Iowa's Marvin Cone, and California's Ray Strong. Linda and her husband Dan own Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery featuring California painters. Their gallery hosts the family collection of paintings by California Impressionist and legendary Walt Disney artist, Joshua Meador.

Jean Warren Wrights Beach South End
Watercolor painter Jean Warren ...
Wright's Beach, South End
Janet Elmore Watercolor Contrast Lily
Watercolor painter Janet Elmore ... Contrast Lily

LuAnn Steele Peach
Watercolor painter LuAnn Steele ...Peach

Jean Warren is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society, the California Watercolor Association and the American Watercolor Association. Her inventive paintings are colorful and often abstract, and are available through her website and the Healdsburg Center for the Arts. Jean teaches classes, including The Creative Process in Watercolor through the Sebastopol Center for the Arts. Jean is an active advocate for Bodega Bay's sea mammals. She and husband Phil are local representatives for the Marine Mammal Center.

Janet Elmore as been involved in art all her life, mostly capturing rural landscapes in Oregon and in California. In the 1970's, she began Capri Arts and Crafts where she taught classes and became an expert in Tole painting. When Janet came to Bodega Bay in 2003, she began to experiment with watercolor with Susan Cornelis and has not looked back. Her current inventive watercolors and pieces of her Tole painting collection will be available during Art @ the Source.

LuAnn is excited and challenged by watercolor. She paints on canvas, not watercolor paper, and begins her paintings by coating her canvas with a clear resin. An avid gardener, LuAnn is inspired by nature's colors. With watercolor, LuAnn can creatively design patterns with amazing bold color in a loose style. With what she calls "the magic of watercolor," her paintings come alive.

Art @ the Source at Graton's Atelier One,
a former apple drying warehouse of local Sonoma County Artist Studios,
now including the new studio of Linda Sorensen, Studio #5

Linda Sorensen in her studio May 25, 2018
Linda at home in her new studio

Marylu Downing
Mixed media artist Marylu Downing ...
Laura's Glass Dreams, Studio 47
(Glass Menagerie inspired)

Planning for Art @ the Source began last November. At that time, Linda Sorensen was fortunate to sign up to participate in Bodega Bay with artists Lillian Lehman and John Hershey. But in April, she received a call leading to the opening of her new studio at Atelier One, a warehouse containing artist studios in Graton.

Atelier One Graton
Atelier One at 2860 Bowen Street in Graton
was once an apple drying facility,
now transformed into studios for artists.
Linda Sorensen now paints in Studio #5
which will be open during Art @ The Source

Linda will be showing some of her work in Bodega Bay during Art @ the Source as a guest artist at Studio #72 in Bodega Bay. But her own new studio, which opened May 1, will also be available during Art @ the Source. Her husband Dan Rohlfing will be on hand to host, answer questions and make a sale or two.

Four of Linda's new Atelier One artist neighbors are participating in Art @ the Source. Marylu Downing and Becky Wells work in mixed media, Elizabeth Payton does intricate florals, and works in collage and watercolor, and Susan Proehl is an abstract artist, working in oil and collage.

Becky Wells Mix Media and Acrylic
Mixed media artist Becky Wells ... No Title, Studio 50
Elizabeth Peyton Fire
Artist Elizabeth Peyton ...
Fire (collage and watercolor), Studio 48
Susan Proehl In Depth
Abstract and collage artist Susan Proehl ...
In Depth, Studio 49
Art @ the Source Reception, May 17 at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts
Art at the Source Reception Group Pan Photo
Art @ The Source artists and art patrons at the May 17 reception
The Art @ The Source Exhibition runs through Sunday, June 10, at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts
Art at the Source Group Photo
Kinetic wind sculptures, Zach Fresco, Studio #6
Art @ the Source newcomer Zach Fresco discusses his Kinetic Wind Art.
at the Art at the Source reception May 17. This piece called Mobius garnered
a lot of curiosity and admiration. Zach's biggest hope for Art at the Source weekends is windy weather.
and here's a sampling of some of Sonoma County's wonderful Art @ the Source artists
Sally Baker explaining the hanging of the ARt at the Source Exhibition
Artist Sally Baker explains the hanging
of the Art @ The Source Exhibition
Sally Baker Study in Elegance
Study in Elegance, Sally Baker, Studio 54
Mylette Welch Lunch
Lunch, Mylette Welch, Studio 37
Bill Gittens Above Alexander Valley
Alexander Valley, Bill Gittens, Studio 1
Cynthia Jackson-Hein. Gallery Ahead
Gallery Ahead, Cynthia Jackson-Hein, Studio 123
Stacy Schuett Black Tailed Jack
Black-Tailed Jack, Stacey Schuett, Studio 40
Francesca Scalpi Madius Spirit
Spirit Mountain, Francesca Scalpi, Studio 51

Maria Isabel Lopez Transformation
Transformation, Maria Isabel Lopez, Studio 30

Michael Ecton Merganser and Babies
Merganser and Babies
, Michael Ecton, Studio 32
Art at the Source Map
Maps to Art @ The Source Studio Locations ... PDF Map Download
Art @ The Source . org | Download the Art The Source Catalog / Map | Back to the Top

J. M. W. Turner, His English Maritime Paintings
at London's Tate Britain [Second in a series of four articles]
J. M. W. Turner loved the sea. In Turner's time, the Island of Britain saw its shoreline as the gateway to the world. British travel and trade were backed with the mighty British Navy, and British mastery of the sea was a point of national pride.
Tate Britain Museum
The Tate Britain, on the Thames in London
British sailors had stories and Turner listened to them, from ship's captains to fishermen. He painted their stories untainted with romance.

He told stories of British sea victories, but but did not hide human cost. He took pride in British commerce, but was willing to show its darker side. In his painting Disaster at Sea (pictured below), he records the horrific human cost of a
rules-bound British captain abandoning his sinking vessel, dooming its cargo of women and children prisoners being shipped off to New South Wales.
JMW Turner Self Portrait
Self Portrait by JMW Turner, age 22, c 1799

Richard Dorment of The Telegraph wrote in 2013 on the occasion of a Turner Exhibition at London's National Maritime Museum, that for Turner,

JMW Turner Wreck of a Transport Ship
Wreck of a Transport Ship
( currently not on view )

"the Sea is the early 19th century equivalent of a disaster movie."

Dorment describes a Turner painting entitled The Wreck of a Transport Ship (not currently at the Tate) which records an imaginary scene, a work of fiction. Dorment says Turner "makes your stomach lurch by plunging you headlong into chaos. The scene is a storm at sea. With no land in sight and no barrier between us and the mountainous swells that rise up on either side of the picture we look down into dark roiling waters, our equilibrium destabilized by the up-and-down, back-and-forth rocking movement in a composition that has no centre on which the eye can focus."

Visitors to the Tate Britain with JMW Turner Self Portrait
J. M. W. Turner,
English landscape paintings
at London's Tate Britain

Similar paintings are at the Tate. The Battle of Trafalgar from Mizen Starboard, Shrouds of Victory, done between 1806 and 1808, is a national treasure, memorializing the victory and its cost of life, including that of Admiral Nelson.

Turner's style seems beyond his time, at times most atmospheric and verging on abstractionism. By contrast, some of his earlier maritime paintings were done in a grand Dutch style, a style Turner studied and admired.

JMW Turner The Dagano San Giorgio Citella from the Steps of Europa
JMW Turner's, European,
Venetian and Italian
paintings at the Tate Britain

Trailer for Mr Turner, a film on the life of JMW Turner, available on Amazon.
Mr. Turner received four Academy Award nominations,
and Timothy Spall received the Best Actor award at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival

His later works show Turner's masterful ability to paint for the inner eye, to tell his stories in visual ways which spoke to the sub-conscious of his viewers.

Vistors to the Tate Britain and JMW Turner's Self Portrait
Visitors to the Tate Britain
admiring JMW Turner's Self Portrait,
age 22, c 1799

Below are Turner's maritime paintings on exhibit at the Tate Britain during our visit in May 2017. Information below is taken from the museum's website and placards.

J. M. W. Turner's maritime paintings at the Tate Britain
JMW Turner The Battle of Trafalgar
The Battle of Trafalgar from Mizen Starboard, Shrouds of the Victory, 1806-08
JMW Turner The Shipwreck
The Shipwreck, 1805
JMW Turner Shipping at the Mouth of the Thames
Shipping at the Mouth of the Thames, 1806-07

The Battle of Trafalgar, as Seen from the Mizen Starboard Shrouds of the Victory, 1806-08 ... In this battle scene where Admiral Nelson died, Turner creates a claustrophobic backdrop of sails and cannon smoke while bringing the action forward. The chaos of the scene is contrasted with a solemnness of Nelson's final moments. Here, Turner effectively used old masterly styles to create an historic marine painting.

The Shipwreck, 1805 ... With a somber and bleak palette, Turner captures the realism and horror as survivors struggle to stay afloat. It is unknown whether this painting refers to an actual incident, but in 1805, the image would resonate with English citizens as they were in the midst of a war, largely fought at sea.

Shipping at the Mouth of the Thames, 1806-07
... This unfinished work is probably of the Thames Estuary off Sheerness. Turner pictures fishing boats and smaller craft with a man-of-war, perhaps a naval coast guard ship, stationed at the Nore where the river meets the sea. Here, Turner brushed in delicate colors over a pale background giving the scene atmospherics and luminosity.

JMW Turner Spithead Boats Crew recovering an Anchor
Spithead Boats Crew Recovering an Anchor, 1808-09
JMW Turner Fishing upon the Blythe Sand Tide Setting In
Fishing Boats upon the Blythe Sand,
Tide Setting In
, 1809
JMW Turner Entrance to the Meuse Orange Merchant on the Bar
Entrance to the Meuse Orange,
Merchant on the Bar
, 1819

Spithead Boats Crew Recovering an Anchor, 1808-09 ... This painting shows the arrival of ships from the Danish fleet captured by the British in Copenhagen in 1807. The English did not want these vessels to fall into French hands. Although Denmark was neutral, their ships could be confiscated and used by Napoleon. The British capture of these ships was unpopular in England and by the time Turner exhibited this painting in 1809, he removed the Danish references of the ships and changed the title to "Boats Crew Recovering an Anchor."

Fishing Boats upon the Blithe Sand, Tide Setting In, 1809 ... During the Napoleonic Wars, fisherman about their work in the wind, the weather and the tides was a reassuring sign of the continuity of England's national life. Turner did not particularly prize this painting as he apparently used the canvas as a cat flap.

Entrance to the Meuse Orange, Merchant on the Bar
, 1819 ... During the Napoleonic Wars, the Dutch were allies of the British, and made investments in London. Turner's painting is making a political statement in fun, laughing at a Dutch ship grounded on a sandbank in the Meuse estuary with its valuable cargo of oranges washing out to sea. Fishermen scavenge for oranges, their valuable catch of the day.

JMW Turner A Ship Aground Yarmouth
A Ship Aground Yarmouth, 1827-28
JMW Turner The Chain Pier Brighton
The Chain Pier, Brighton, 1828
JMW Turner Van Tromp Returning after the Battle of the Dogger Banks
Van Tromp Returning after the Battle
off the Dogger Bank
, 1833

A Ship Aground Yarmouth, 1827-28 ... This is based on the same format as a set of pictures commissioned by the Earl of Egremont for installation at Petworth. The subject was presumably offered to the Earl as a further alternative, but the Earl either rejected it or it was removed from consideration by Turner. Later, Turner adapted it for a picture exhibited in 1831, Fort Vimieux.

The Chain Pier, Brighton, 1828 ... Brighton's Chain Pier was built in 1823. Its function was to serve as a landing stage for packet boats to Dieppe, France, but the pier also provided a number of attractions, including a camera obscura. An entrance booth controlled access to an esplanade. Both J.M.W. Turner and John Constable painted the pier, which was a symbol of Brighton's status as a center of trade and tourism. This painting hung in the Carved Room at Petworth in Sussex, the great house belonging to the Earl of Egremont. The Earl collected art reflecting the local agriculture and commerce.

Van Tromp Returning after the Battle off the Dogger Bank, 1833 ... Dutch maritime paintings were an important influence on Turner's approach to seascapes. Here, Turner recalls a naval battle some 80 years earlier in the Anglo-Dutch Wars. Rather than showing the battle, Turner shows a Dutch state barge approaching Admiral Tromp's returning flagship. At the time Turner painted this scene, Belgium successfully seceded from the Netherlands, and Turner was critical of Britain's support of the Belgians.

JMW Turner A Wreck with Fishing Boats
A Wreck with Fishing Boats, 1840-45
JMW Turner A Disaster at Sea
A Disaster at Sea, 1835
JMW Turner Seascape with a Buoy
Seascape with Buoy, 1840

A Wreck with Fishing Boats, 1840-45 ... In Turner's time, the sea was widely known to be full of dangers. Because Turner did not include a landscape foreground reference point in many of his seascapes, the paintings seem more tempestuous. Here, the wrecked ship with a dark hull is approached by two smaller vessels. This may have been a scene witnessed by Turner off the coast of Kent.

Seascape with Buoy, 1840 ... In a famous anecdote reenacted in the film Mr. Turner, Turner once deliberately attempted to upstage the brilliance of a John Constable painting hanging nearby, by taking out his brush and adding a bright red buoy to the foreground of his seascape painting. In this painting, the buoy is part of Turner's original composition, and was intended to evoke the hazards of the sea.

A Disaster at Sea, 1836 ... This painting is probably unfinished and was never exhibited. Yet, it is one of Turners most powerful expressions of the drama and peril of a maritime disaster. This painting was probably inspired by the wreck of the Amphitrite of Boulogne in 1833. The captain's cargo of 108 female convicts along with 12 children were headed for New South Wales, Australia. The ship left the port of Woolwich, Kent, England, and the disaster happened soon afterward off Boulogne, Pas-de-Calais, France. The captain later explained the deaths of the women prisoners and children saying he was only authorized to land the prisoners in New South Wales, and therefore, abandoned them to their fate.

JMW Turner Peace Burial at Sea
Peace, Burial at Sea, 1842
JMW Turner Fishing Boats Bringing a Disabled Ship into Port Ruysdael
Fishing Boats Bringing a Disabled Ship
into Port Ruysdael
, 1844
JMW Turner Sunrise with Sea Monsters
Sunrise with Sea Monsters, 1845

Peace, Burial at Sea, 1842 ... Turner's good friend, Scottish artist David Wilkie, died of typhoid off Gibraltar in 1841. Turner paid tribute to his good friend on behalf of the Royal Academy. The picture represents Wilkie's burial at sea, and uses a lot of black, which turner said he wanted to make even blacker. This painting is called "Peace - Burial at Sea." It contrasts with another of Turner's paintings called "War - the Exile and the Rock Limpet," depicting the fall of Napoleon. "Peace" conveyed the calm and dignity of Wilkie's death with the defeat and disgrace of Napoleon's downfall. The two paintings hung side by side in an exhibition in 1842, and hang in close proximity today at the Tate Britain.

Fishing Boats Bringing a Disabled Ship into Port Ruysdael, 1844 ... Turner created a series of paintings referring to the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th century, paying tribute to the Dutch painters for setting a high bar for historical marine paintings. There is no Port Ruysdael. The title is a tribute to the Dutch painter Jacob van Ruisdael, painted in his own expressive mature style. In this scene, fishing crews that rush toward the damaged ship risk much against the wind, all for the hope of claiming some salvage money.

Sunrise with Sea Monsters, 1845 ... Turner was interested in the subject of fishing throughout his career, and often set scenes against remarkable sunsets and sunrises. This painting was unfinished, and although the canvas has survived, Turner's explanation of it did not. Many interpretations of this work have been offered, and consequently, the painting is still is a source of speculation. The Tate Britain maintains the "monsters are just fish" while other critics say they are actual monsters.

The Tate Britain | Back to the Top

At the Landmark Gallery
in Bodega
Linda Sorensen Cypress Over Highway One
Linda Sorensen's
Cypress over Highway One
9 x 12

Linda Sorensen's paintings currently showing at:

Linda Sorensen's Studio,
Atelier One, Studio #5, 2860 Bowen St., Graton, CA.
By appointment only, 707-875-2911 or

Bodega Landmark Gallery Collection,
located inland in the town of Bodega, west end of town a half block from the Casino, and just across from the (vacant) General Store and the Bodega Volunteer Fire Department.

Corrick's "Art Trails Gallery,"
located in downtown Santa Rosa on 4th Street, just steps from Santa Rosa's reopened Town Square.

At Corrick's in Santa Rosa
"Art Trails Gallery"

Linda Sorensen Hawks Hill to Point Bonita
Linda Sorensen's
Hawk Hill to Point Bonita
24 x 30
AT LAST!  Linda has a new artist studio in Graton, the "California Artists Community," and BODEGA BAY HERITAGE GALLERY will also operate there only BY APPOINTMENT. 

Linda has moved into STUDIO #5 in the Atelier One Building, 2860 Bowen St. (cross street Donald St., parking lot on that corner), Graton.  This is a unique artist studios building of about 20 artists including architect Lamont Langworthy.

The studios are open only by appointment except for open houses such as Art At The Source in June and Art Trails in October, plus the Atelier One open house in September. 

Photo of Linda's studio in the A@TS article above. It's a short walk to Graton Gallery and fine restaurants and tasting rooms.  Visit us there during Art @ The Source June 2-3 and 9-10. Four other artists are participating at Atelier One. And visit Linda at Lillian Lehman's sculpture studio in coastal Salmon Creek north of Bodega Bay.  Follow the yellow signs.
Linda Sorensen at Easel at Monte Rio Redwood Cabin Studio
Linda Sorensen at her easel
Linda Sorensen's Studio is now open in Graton.

With fondness, Linda has said goodbye to her cabin in the Redwoods
along Dutch Bill Creek in Monte Rio. She will miss the redwoods, the mallards and mergansers. We are glad so many of you were able to enjoy the spot during last year's Art Trails.

In Graton, visits are by appointment only, 707-875-2911
or email Linda at

Linda Sorensen's Redwood Cabin Studio
Linda's redwoods
cabin studio

What's showing in Bodega Bay?
Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery Sign

Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery
featuring Joshua Meador and Linda Sorensen
and Historic Paintings of California

by appointment in Graton and Bodega Bay; collection is online. | Voicemail and Text 707-875-2911

Joshua Meador Composed by the Sea
"Composed by Ocean"
Joshua Meador
Ren Brown
Ren Brown
The Ren Brown Collection
1781 Coast Highway One, Bodega Bay, 94923

Fanciful Figures: Then and Now, through Jun 3

707-875-2922 | |
Back to the Top
Reb Brown Sign Thumbnail
Pacific Bay Gallery

Pacific Bay Gallery
1785 Coast Highway One, Bodega Bay, 94923
Noki and Ron Jones, proprietors
707-875-8925 | | Back to the Top

Pacific Bay Gallery Azoulay
Bodega Bay's Jean Warren Watercolors
Bodega Bay resident Jean Warren says her paintings are reflections of the places she has lived and traveled.
Jean is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society,
California Watercolor Association and full member of Society of Layerists in Multi-Media.
Visit Jean's site and view examples at the Healdsburg Center for the Arts

Jean Warren Watercolor

What's showing nearby?
in Sonoma, Napa & Marin Counties
Lorenzo de Santis
Landmark Gallery's
Lorenzo de Santis
IN BODEGA Bodega Landmark Gallery Collection
including paintings by Linda Sorensen
17255 Bodega Highway Bodega, California USA 94922 Phone 707 876 3477
Fri-Mon, 10:30 - 5:30 | | Back to the Top
Bodega Landmark Gallery Thumb
Sebastopol Center for the Arts

IN SEBASTOPOL, Sebastopol Center for the Arts
home of Sonoma County's Art @ the Source and Art Trails

Art @ The Source Exhibition ... through June 10
282 S. High Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472  707.829.4797
Hours: Tue - Fri 10am - 4pm, Sat & Sun 1 - 4pm

Corricks Kevin Brown
Corrick's Keven Brown

IN SANTA ROSA Corrick's Art Trails Gallery |
637 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | Contact::

Corrick's has been a Santa Rosa Treasure since 1915,
a downtown stationery store serving the community's "cultural hub."
Corrick's has long supported local artists with its impressive "ART TRAILS GALLERY,"
including paintings by Linda Sorensen.

located on Fourth Street, steps away from Santa Rosa's revitalized town square
and Fourth Street's Russian River Brewery

BBHPhoto Dennis Calabi
Dennis Calabi
IN SANTA ROSA Calabi Gallery |
Migrations, Opening Reception, Saturday, June 9, 4-7
Art of Iva Hladis ... through Jul 28

456 Tenth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 | email: | 707-781-7070

Famed master conservator Dennis Calabi brings his rare knowledge and experience
to present a tasteful and eclectic array of primarily 20th century artwork. | Back to the Top
Easton Crustacean Dancing Dream 144
Easton, Crustacean Dancing Dream, American Alabaster
Annex Galleries Santa Rosa IN Santa Rosa The Annex Galleries
specializing in 19th, 20th, and 21st century American and European fine prints
The Annex Galleries is a member of the International Fine Print Dealers Association (IFPDA). | Back to the Top
Linda Ratzlaff IN GRATON Graton Gallery

Graton Gallery | (707) 829-8912  |
9048 Graton Road, Graton CA 95444 | Open Wednesday ~ Saturday 10:30 to 6, Sunday 10:30 to 4
Christopher Queen Gallery IN DUNCANS MILLS Christopher Queen Galleries
3 miles east of Hwy 1 on Hwy 116 on the Russian River
"The Finishing Touch," May 2018
See their wonderful old California gallery upstairs. |707-865-1318| Back to the Top
Paul Mahder Gallery Thumbnail IN Healdsburg Paul Mahder Gallery

 (707) 473-9150 |
222 Mill Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg, CA 95448 | Open Weds - Mon, 10-6, Sundays, 10-5
Hammarfriar Gallery Thumb IN Healdsburg Hammerfriar Gallery

 (707) 473-9600
132 Mill Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448 | Open Tues - Fri 10 to 6, Sat 10 - 5, Sun 12 - 4

john Anderson
Petaluma Arts Council Art Center IN PETALUMA Petaluma Art Center
"... to celebrate local artists and their contributions and involve the whole community"
Petaluma Center for the Arts

Links to current museum exhibits relevant to Early California Art
The Greater Bay Area
The Walt Disney Family Museum
This museum tells Walt's story from the early days.
(on the Parade Grounds) 104 Montgomery Street,
The Presidio of San Francisco, CA 94129

-- view location on Google Maps
Disney Museum Exterior Thumbnail San Francisco
de Young Museum
Cult of the Machine, Mar 24 - Aug 12
Permanent Collection

De Young Museum Thumbnail
San Francisco
California Historical Society

California Historical Society Thumbnail San Francisco
Legion of Honor

Truth and Beauty: Pre-Raphaelites and Old Masters
Opens June 30
-Permanent European and Impressionist Paintings
San Francisco Legion of Honor Museum
San Francisco
Contemporary Jewish Museum

San Francisco's Contemporary Jewish Museum Thumbnail Oakland
Oakland Museum of California

-- ongoing Gallery of California Art
-showcasing over 800 works
from the OMCA's collection

Oakland Museum Thumbnail

San Francisco

Rene Magritte: The Fifth Season thru Oct 28

SF Museum of Modern Art

Santa Rosa
The Museums of Sonoma County

Sonoma County Museum Thumbnail
Santa Rosa
downstairs through Sep 16 ...
My favorite Peanuts: Reflections of Family & Friends
upstairs tthrough Aug 5 ...
50 Years of Franlkin
Charles M. Schultz Museum

Charles M Schultz Museum Santa Rosa

St Mary's College Museum of Art
California Watercolor Association
Watermedia: The Color of Summer
thru Aug 26

Hearst Art Gallery

Hearst Art Gallery Thumbnail
Mission San Francisco de Solano Museum

featuring the famed watercolor paintings
of the California Missions
by Christian Jorgensen
Mission San Francisco de Solano in Sonoma CA Sonoma
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art

551 Broadway, Sonoma CA 954
(707) 939-7862
Sonoma Museum of Art Exterior Thumb
Grace Hudson Museum

Our People, Our Land, Our Images
Jun 30 - Sept 30
Grace Hudson Museum

Bolinas Museum

featuring their permanent collection,
including Ludmilla and Thadeus Welch,
Arthur William Best, Jack Wisby,
Russell Chatham, Alfred Farnsworth

Elizabeth Holland McDaniel Bolinas Embarcadero thumbnail
Walnut Creek
The Bedford Gallery, Lesher
Center for the Arts
Lesher Ctr for the Arts Walnut Creek CA San Jose
San Jose Museum of Art

approximately 2,000 20th & 21st
century artworks including paintings, sculpture,
new media, photography, drawings, prints, and artist books.
San Jose Museum of Art Thumbnail
Monterey Museum of Art

E.. Charlton Fortune: The Colorful Spirit

Opens May 24 - August 27

(See our March 2018 article)

Ongoing exhibitions ...
Museums Permanent Collection
including William Ritschel, Armin Hansen
and E. Charlton Fortune
Monterey Museum of Art Palo Alto
Cantor Art Center at Stanford University
Cantor Art Center at Stanford University

Salvador Dali Museum

Salvador Dali Museum Monterey Sacramento
Crocker Art Museum

Nature's Gifts
Early California Paintings
from the Wendy Willrich Collection

Opening April 22, 2018
& their marvelous Permanent Collection
Capitol Museum

Governor's Portrait Gallery
Permanent Exhibits

(including one of our galllery's favorite artists,
Robert Rishell's portrait of Gov. Ronald Reagan
Capitol Museum Sacramento Thumbnail Stockton's Treasure!
The Haggin Museum

-Largest exhibition of Albert Beirstadt paintings anywhere,
plus the works of Joseph Christian Leyendecker,
Norman Rockwell's mentor.
see our Newsletter article, April 2011
Haggin Museum Stockton
Southern California (and Arizona)
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Museum of Art

Art of the Americas, Level 3:
Artworks of paintings and sculptures
from the colonial period to World War II—
a survey of of art and culture
& "Levitated Mass"
Los Angeles County Museum of Art Irvine (now part of UC-Irvine)
The Irvine Museum
"Harmony of Light, Spring in California"
through Jun 21

Irvine Museum Thumbnail
Santa Barbara
The Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Santa Barbara Museum of Art Thumbnail Orange
Hilbert Museum, Chapman University
The Hilbert Collection focuses
on California Scene Painting,
including most well known
20th century California watercolor artists

Hilbert Museum Chapman University Orange CA
Norton Simon Museum
-an Impressive Permanent collection,
European impressionist and post impressionist paintings
See our newsletter from March 2014
Norton Simon Museum Pasadena Pasadena
Pasadena Museum of California Art

Pasadena Museum of California Art Exterior thumb
San Diego
San Diego Museum of Art
Permanent Collection
San Diego Museum of Art Thumbnail

San Marino (near Pasadena)
The Huntington Library

American Art Collection
Paintings by John Singer Sargent,
Edward Hopper, Robert Henri,
Albert Bierstadt, Thomas Moran,
William Keith, Mary Cassatt,
Thomas Hart Benton and many more.

Huntington Library Art Collection Pasadena
Palm Springs
Palm Springs Art Museum

Permanent Collection
American 19th century Landscape Painting
Palm Springs Art Museum Thumbnail Laguna Beach
Laguna Museum of Art
Art Colony: The Laguna Beach Art Association, 1918-1935
Jun 24 - Jan 13
-California Art and only California Art
Permanent collection includes many historic
California Artists of the Laguna Beach Art Association

Laguna Art Museum
Prescott, AZ
Phippen Museum
Phippen Museum Entrance Hwy 89 Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix Art Museum
an excellent sampling of
Artists of the American West
Phoenix Art Museum
& Beyond
Honolulu, HI
Honolulu Museum
(see our Newsletter article
from February, 2015)

Honolulu Museum of Art Kamuela, HI (Big Island)
Issacs Art Center
65-1268 Kawaihae Road
Kamuela, HI  96743
(See our Dec '16 article "Hawaii's Paul Gauguin," 
modernist Madge Tennent, 1889-1972)

Isaacs Art Center
Seattle, WA
Seattle Art Museum
( see our article Mar 2018
French and American Paintings )
Seattle Art Museum Portland, OR
Portland Art Museum

Permanent Collection: American Art
Portland Art Museum Thumbnail
Washington D.C.
The Renwick Gallery

Permanent ... Grand Salon Paintings
from the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Renwick Gallery Washington DC Chicago, IL
Art Institute of Chicago
Permanent collection:
the Impressionists
Art Institute of Chicago Thumbnail
Cedar Rapids, IA
The Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Grant Wood: In Focus

is an ongoing permanent collection exhibition.
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art

Bentonville, AR
Crystal Bridges
Museum of American Art

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Washington D.C.
The National Gallery

Permanent collection
American Paintings
Tha National Gallery Washington DC Thumbnail Philadelphia , PA
The Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia Museum of Art Thumbnail
Philadelphia , PA
Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia Campus
Barnes Foundation Campus Philadelphia Brooklyn, NY
The Brooklyn Museum
American Art
Permanent Collection
The Brooklyn Museum Thumbnail
New York , NY
The Whitney Museum of American Art

The largest selection of works by Edward Hopper
The Whitney Museum of American Art New York Detroit, MI
Detroit Institute of Arts
American Art
Permanent Collection
Detroit Institute of Arts
Ottawa, Ontario
National Gallery of Canada
Canada National Gallery of Art    

Serving our Clients several different ways ...
in Bodega Bay, in your home, or on-line.

Voicemail and Text: 707-875-2911 | Email:


... Using Voicemail, TEXT or Email, leave a call back time and number. Once we arrange a time and place, come to Bodega Bay and view the art which interests you and take a treasure home. email or text is better to inform us about your interests and to avoid messages that we have difficulty deciphering.


... Using Voicemail, Text, or Email, request an pre-arranged in-home appointment. We will discuss which artists and paintings interest you, and make appropriate arrangements. After you make your choices, we will bring the art to you.


... Voicemail, Text, or Email us about pieces which interest you. We will answer your questions and process your purchase over the phone. We offer included FedEx shipping in the U.S for major purchases.

Pop-Up Galleries

... On occasion, when temporary opportunities fit, we will take Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery on the road.

At present, we are acquiring few paintings. We are interested in considering works by Joshua Meador, or exceptional paintings by a few other Historic California artists. We do not do miscellaneous consignments but do represent artist estates. We do not provide appraisal services.

DO NOT CALL AND EXPECT A THOUGHTFUL ANSWER REGARDING YOUR PAINTING, ... INSTEAD, Please EMAIL US ( along with a high resolution jpeg image of your painting. Include the name of the artist, its title, dimensions and condition. Please include any history or provenance. Rather than responding off the cuff, in a timely fashion, we will read your note, do our homework, and write back and let you know if we wish to acquire your painting or we may give you our our ideas on how best to market your painting through other resources.