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Joshua Meador
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Joshua Meador, Genesis

Joshua Meador, Haven
Farms & Towns

Joshua Meador, A Clear Crispy Day, New Mexico
Palm Springs &
Desert Scenes
Joshua Meador Sierra Wilds
Eastern Sierra
Joshua Meador, Mission Arches, Vintage PRINT
Southern Callifornia
and Central America
dJoshua Meador Strolling in the Park
The Joshua Meador
Family Collection
film clips of
Meador's animation credits
Joshua Meador:
critics, exhibitions, etc.

Joshua Meador 1911-1965, Coastal Hills, Farms & Towns

Larger Paintings ... $8,000 - $9,500
Joshua Meador, Coastal Ranch, Big Sur, c 1955-1960
Coastal Ranch, Big Sur
30 x 40
Joshua Meador Haven
Haven, 24 x 34
Joshua Meador 1911-1965, The Three Sisters, three California oaks on a slanting golden California hillside.
The Three Sisters
24 x 34

Joshua Meador Cannery Row
Cannery Row
22 x 30
(today, this scene is the location
of the Monterey Bay Aquarium)
Joshua Meador 1911-1965, A California homestead and Barn next to a line of Eucalyptus Trees
Windbreak 22 x 30

Joshua Meador Captain Vallejo's Casa
Captain Vallejo's Casa
22 x 30
(this building still stands
on the plaza square in Sonoma, CA)
Joshua Meador, Park, a tranquil park square with fountain and figures
Park 22 x 30
(please contact us if you
know the location of this scene)
Joshua Meador, Fountain of Spring, a scene of two figures below two flowering trees, bursting forth with pinks and whites, as if they were fireworks.
Fountain of Spring #1332
22 x 30, offered unframed

Medium sized paintings ... $5,000 - $6,500
Joshua Meador, Riverside Store
Riverside Store
20 x 27
Russian River c 1950-55
Joshua Meador, Full Bloom with Holton hand carved walnut frame
Full Bloom 20 x 27
Holton hand carved walnut frame
Joshua Meador, Duncans Mills, California
Duncans Mills, 20 c 27
circa late 1940's
Joshua Meador, 1911-1965, Hill Village 1951
Hill Village, 1951. 20 x 27
Joshua Meador Side of a Hill, 18 x 24
Side of a Hill, 18 x 24
Joshua Meador, Playground, a pasture with horses
Playground , 18 x 24
Joshua Meador, In the Country
In the Country
, 18 x 24
Smaller painting and vintage print... $1,500

Joshua Meador Autumn Oaks
Autumn Oaks, 6 x 8

Joshua Meador, The Park 8 x 6
The Park
, 8 x 6

Joshua Meador, City Dwellers 6 x 8
City Dwellers, 6 x 8

Joshua Meador, Cliff Dwellers, 6 x 8
Cliff Dwellers, 6 x 8